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April Fool’s Day Prank for your Class: Low Prep, Lot’s of Laughs

April Fools' Day as a teacher wasn't always my favorite day. That is until I started pranking my class, which helped, a lot. We had teachers that would mirror screens in the computer lab next door and type messages to an unsuspecting class. GOLDEN. Another favorite is the old turn in your homework I never assigned. Too fun. This one, however, takes the cake for me. Low-prep, disguised to not raise ... Read the Post

Pysanka Easter Eggs in the Classroom

  This has been an activity that's consumed my thoughts for a while. Typically, the more something consumes my mind the more excited I am about it. I was on the search for a fun Easter Activity appropriate for Upper-Grades. It wasn't until I stumbled across Pysanky: Ukrainian Easter Eggs, that I knew I had found it. The anticipation for the final reveal ignites engagement, the process ... Read the Post

Easy as Pie… Pie. Multiplying Fractions and Measurement Conversions Activity

Easy As Pie... Pie No Melting, No Mixer, No Baking, No Microwave, No Dishes,  NO PROBLEM! Students apply math such as repeated addition of fractions, multiplying fractions, simplifying fractions and measurement conversion to increase a mini pie recipe. Best part.... They make the recipe after with this 1000% classroom friendly process.   Guys.... I’m not usually one to toot my own horn.... ... Read the Post
