I LOVE Literature Circles. I wasn't someone that always wanted to be a teacher growing up... However, when I did decide to pursue the teaching route, one of the main motivators was to be that "someone" that introduced a reluctant reader to the LOVE of reading. I suppose it's because I was one of those readers growing up, that is until I discovered the MAGIC that reading can be. ... Read the Post
Steps for Effective & Engaging Literature Circles in the Upper Grades
How to Get MORE Out of Literature Circles with Weekly Assignments FREEBIE Included
If you're reading this, I hope this means you have already read my post on, "How to Set Up Literature Circles in the Upper-Grade Classroom," as well as the post on, "How to Keep Students Focused and Accountable During Literature Circle Discussions." If not these are great places to start. If you also find yourself thinking I'm not here for information on setting up Literature Circles... Don't go ... Read the Post
How to Keep Students Focused and Accountable During Literature Circle Discussions
Every teacher has something they do really well, for me it's my Literature Circle and Guided Reading Rotation set-up. This isn't something that just happens. In order for both my Literature Circles and Guided Reading Rotations to work coincide with each other like a well-oiled machine, a lot of thought, practice, clearly stated expectations, and resources were required... The result, a ... Read the Post