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Week 23: Come Follow Me: Book of Mormon, Teaching Ideas and Free Resources
June 1st – 7th
Alma 5 – 7
Questions to Ponder:
Each Come Follow Me Lesson asks important and reflective questions. When I first began my individual study these questions threw me off. Simply because many of these questions required so much depth and individual reflection in order to answer honestly. My first approach to come follow me was to get in, get out, get it done, check it off. These questions simply didn’t allow me to do so. In fact, I felt a little sick when I would read a question like, “How does the spirit speak to you?” and I wouldn’t know the answer right away. After a time, and pondering on that specific question I realized IT’S OKAY. In fact, I think these questions were meant to be set aside, thought about, and pondered. When we try and come up with the quick easy, obvious, answer, we are depriving ourselves of an opportunity to reflect, ponder, pray, and RECEIVE REVELATION. Is this not the whole reason for Come Follow Me? Are we not trying to finetune and recognize how we, and how to receive personal revelation.
So each week I will list out some of the questions issued in Come Follow Me. Maybe you pick to ponder about all of them, maybe you pick just one. Whatever you do, ponder on this for the ENTIRE week. Pray about it, discuss it with loved ones, then at the start of the new week, take the time to write down your impressions or thoughts, share them with your family, testify of powerful insights.
Alma bore powerful testimony of the Savior and His gospel, and he also explained how he gained that testimony. As he testified, he did not mention his experience with seeing and hearing an angel (see Mosiah 27:10–17) but rather described the price he paid to know the truth for himself.
- What do you learn from Alma 5:44–51 about how Alma came to know the truth?
- How can you follow his example in your efforts to gain or strengthen your testimony?
- What do you learn about the Savior from Alma’s teachings in Alma 5:33–35, 48–50, and 57–60?
- Consider reading Alma’s questions as if you were interviewing yourself and examining your heart. You may want to record your responses to the questions.
- What do you feel inspired to do as a result of your interview?
- (see Alma 7). Alma perceived that the people of Gideon were “in the path which leads to the kingdom of God” (Alma 7:19). Throughout his sermon to them, Alma taught them many things about how to stay on that path (see Alma 7).
- What counsel did he give them?
- What can you apply to your life now?
Have you ever felt that no one understands your struggles or challenges? If so, the truths taught in Alma 7:7–16 can help. Elder David A. Bednar testified: “The Son of God perfectly knows and understands, for He has felt and borne our individual burdens. And because of His infinite and eternal sacrifice (see Alma 34:14), He has perfect empathy and can extend to us His arm of mercy” (“Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 90).
As you read Alma 7:7–16, reflect on what these verses help us understand about the purposes of the Savior’s sacrifice. How do we access His power in our lives? Consider recording your thoughts. See also Isaiah 53:3–5
- Alma 5:6–13 Why did Alma want his people to remember the Lord’s mercy toward their ancestors?
- What stories from your family history teach you about His mercy?
- Maybe you could visit to record these stories.
- What recent experiences could they share to illustrate the importance of being prepared?
- You could invite family members to review Alma 5:14–33 and find questions Alma asked to prepare his people to meet God.
- What are some of the reasons we gather as Saints?
- How can we make our time at church more helpful to ourselves and others?
- What do we learn in these verses that helps us “fear not” (Alma 7:15) when we need to repent and change?
- What do these verses teach us about turning to the Savior when we need help?
- What other things have we done to receive His help?
- How has He succored us?
- Who do we know who is a good example of one or more of the qualities listed in this verse?
- Why is it important to develop these qualities?
The introspective questions that Alma asked the people of Zarahemla, found in Alma 5:14–33, can help you search your own soul and understand what it means to experience a “mighty change of heart” throughout your life. President M. Russell Ballard explained the value of these questions: “I need to regularly take time to ask myself, ‘How am I doing?’ It’s kind of like having a personal, private interview with yourself. … As a guide for me during this private, personal review, I like to read and ponder the introspective words found in the fifth chapter of Alma” (“Return and Receive,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 64).
As I listened to this week’s reading, the inventory of questions really stood out to me. Often I find my mind organizing information read into a checklist or graphic organizer, I think this is one of my comprehension strategies. With the list of questions in chapter 5, I immediately wanted to dive a little deeper into the questions posed by Alma. When I read the quote by President Ballard in Come Follow Me this week, (See above) I liked the idea of using this as a way to take a personal inventory.
To help you with your study this week, I’ve created a printable with all of the questions posed in chapter 5. For me, this gives me something concrete, that I can hold, look at, and mark up. You will notice that many of the questions aren’t as simple as a yes and no, similar to many of the questions asked in Come Follow Me. I’ve left a space next to each question for you to use as you wish. Yes, it could be a place for a checkmark, but the more I grow, the more I learn that this is not a checklist Gospel. Rather, it’s growth, progression, and all about movement whether that be forward or backward. I wonder if you may even choose to “check” one of the questions that you choose to further study, ponder, or focus on for the week.
I’d love to hear how you use this personal inventory, and any takeaways you have. This is a FREE digital product, meaning you don’t have to print off a hard copy to use it. Feel free to add your own notes or edits, but remember this is for Personal Use Only. Feel free to point friends and family to the website membership if interested in sharing this download with a different household.
*** This FREE Download is exclusive to members of Living on Lemon Lane. In order to access the download, you must be logged in. Not a member? Not a problem! Sign-up is FAST, FREE and Easy-Peasy Lemon Squeezy! Click here to become a member!
If you do an activity PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take pictures and tag me! Post to the Facebook group, or tag @livingonlemonlane on Instagram! Don’t forget to pin these images to your Pinterest. This is a SMALL and SIMPLE way to support the efforts of Living on Lemon Lane and sharing these ideas with your friends and family.
Now, I know I have already shared this talk… But I feel it that important, that if you haven’t taken the time to study it or break down its teachings for your children that time should be made this week. This week Alma gives what is likely one of my most treasured scriptures. The shame in all of this is that it wasn’t until I was a young adult that I realized the implications and the significance of these verses:
Alma 7:11-12
11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
President Bednar said it best:
There is no physical pain, no spiritual wound, no anguish of soul or heartache, no infirmity or weakness you or I ever confront in mortality that the Savior did not experience first. In a moment of weakness we may cry out, “No one knows what it is like. No one understands.” But the Son of God perfectly knows and understands, for He has felt and borne our individual burdens. And because of His infinite and eternal sacrifice (see Alma 34:14), He has perfect empathy and can extend to us His arm of mercy. He can reach out, touch, succor, heal, and strengthen us to be more than we could ever be and help us to do that which we could never do relying only upon our own power. Indeed, His yoke is easy and His burden is light.”
Consider studying what the word infirmity is|means|entails. Come Follow Me this week also has great suggestions for teaching this concept to children:
Show the children a picture of Jesus. Explain that He knows what it’s like to be hurt, sad, or scared. Read some of the words in Alma 7:11–13 that describe what the Savior suffered, and explain words the children might not understand. Point out that Jesus can help and comfort us when we are sad. Share how the Savior has helped and comforted you.
Ask the children to share experiences when they were sick or in pain or had another problem that made them sad. Bear your testimony that the Savior has suffered those things too and knows how to help us.
Invite the children to read Alma 7:11–13, looking for the things Jesus Christ suffered. They may be willing to share experiences when they felt pain, sickness, or afflictions. According to these verses, why was the Savior willing to suffer all of this? (Explain that “succor” means “to help.”)
Tell the children about an illness, injury, or other affliction you have had, and ask if they have felt something similar. Read together Alma 7:11–13, and point out what Jesus suffered for us. Help the children think of times when the Savior experienced these things, such as when He was tempted (see Matthew 4:1–11) or when He was suffering in Gethsemane. How does it help us to know that Jesus understands our struggles? Share your testimony of Jesus’s power to comfort, help, and heal us.
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Teaching Ideas for Toddlers & Young Children
Watch or Listen To:
With a 2-year-old and 4-year-old, I understand the STRUGGLE and the attention span you are dealing with. Below are some of my favorite videos or audio recordings|podcasts you can listen to and watch with your children. My favorites right now are the Book of Mormon Story videos.**Different from the newly released B.O.M. videos. These are illustrated and READ stories to your children. THESE are PERFECT for when everyone is strapped in the car seat. My 4-year-old now requests these over the radio. Each segment is only 2-4 minutes long. This allows us to listen, review and discuss together, and listen again throughout the week. Many of the videos I share can be found on the Saint’s Radio Channel App. (Formerly Mormon Channel App, If you don’t already have this, DOWNLOAD NOW.)
I am absolutely LOVING the YouTube Channel, Latter Day Kids. Each week they put out a beautifully illustrated video meant for young children to be used in conjunction with the Come Follow Me Lessons. This week’s video is all about Pride. You can even head to their website to download discussion questions to go along with the video and a fun coloring page.
Click Here to access this week’s Printables and Activities
Click here to subscribe to Latter Day Kids
Drawn In: Free Sample of Subscription Videos
The ONLY Paid Subscription I use for Come Follow Me
I’ve recently teamed up with David Bowman artist, author and creator of the Drawn-In Video Subscription to bring a discount to all Living on Lemon Lane readers. This is the ONLY Paid Come Follow Me product that I have a subscription to, and it is worth every cent. Each week you get TWO engaging and fun videos (around 20 minutes long each!) as well as exclusive content and printables! Like his books, instead of just introducing the scripture story he explains a principle, then takes it a step further by exploring APPLICATION. Click here to watch his Free Videos, If you’re interested make sure to use the promo code LEMONLANE10 at checkout to recieve 10% off of the yearly membership!
Click Here to Learn More, Use Code LEMONLANE10 for an exclusive discount off the yearly membership!Head to to watch more FREE episodes and learn more about subscribing ($4.95 per month – gets you 2 episodes PER WEEK that go directly with Come Follow Me as well as supplemental PDF print outs)
Savior in my Countenance Coloring Page
Teaching Ideas for Families
Watch or Listen To:
Finding time to make Come Follow Me can be tough, it can also be tough to keep the attention of family members. The Book of Mormon videos recently released by the church are a WONDERFUL resource.
- I LOVE using the Institute and Seminary Manuals to aid my study! They answer questions, provide insight and background coupled with beautiful quotes from Prophets and Apostles.
- The Redeeming and Strengthening Power of the Savior’s Atonement – BYU Speech
- How To Keep a Mighty Change of Heart – New Era Article
Activity Suggestions:
How Can Alma’s Questions Help Us Grow Spiritually?
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Ensign Suggested Activity: Songs of Love
Read Alma 5:9, 26 together. Talk about what you think it means to sing songs of “redeeming love.”
If possible, find a picture of Jesus to look at together.
Ask each family member to pick a favorite verse from a Church hymn or children’s song to sing together.
After singing, take turns sharing thoughts and feelings about Jesus.
Discussion: What change could each of us make to better follow Jesus this week? How does good music help us draw closer to God?
Individual Study & Extension
Watch or Listen To:
- John Welch Notes: Learn about the Book of Mormon with verse by verse commentaries from renowned Book of Mormon scholar.
- What Did Alma Reveal about the Savior’s Mission?
- Look to The Savior- Holland
- What Does the Atonement Mean To You: BYU Women’s Conference Speech
Comment below and share YOUR favorite resources for this week of Come Follow Me in the Book of Mormon. Join the conversation on @livingonlemonlane on Instagram and stay updated on new blog posts! If you enjoyed this PLEASE SHARE! Till next week.
Michelle Lowe says
Thank you for this cute idea and download. This will be a great zoom activity we can do with our Young Women!