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Free Black History Month Lessons, PowerPoints, and Worksheets

Hey guys, It’s Tara from Teaching on Lemon Lane! I’m excited to have a couple of guest bloggers on the website today in honor of Black History Month! When good friend Terra Cooper posted about the materials she, Emily, and Curtis had put together I knew I wanted to make it more available to you! So without further ado…

Black History month is one of my favorite times of the year! I love learning about the new theme each year and so many other topics and people that were missed in my history classes. I decided to make these lessons for teachers because as a former teacher myself, I know that having a great resource is such a time saver in a world where there is little time. My friends at the Children’s Equity League have since joined in to help create these lessons.

It’s Black History Month time and this year the theme is “African-Americans and the Vote”. My friends Emily, Allison, Curtis and I put together some lesson plans in a Powerpoint that is for EVERYONE to go and learn from! These are great for teachers of all ages (we provide how to make it usable for lower and upper grades).

They are great for adults too-yep you will love learning more about this topic-I sure did!

The first lesson is a great way to dispel myths and teach about the beauty and resources that Africa has. Every time I teach this lesson, to kids or adults, they LOVE it! It will be a great way to start your Black History Month!


Lesson 2-4 are all about The VOTE! 2020 marks 100 years since women were given the right to vote and 150 since all men were given the right to vote (given the right and actually allowing them to vote are two different things-but that is covered too!).

If you are a Utah teacher you are especially in for a treat, Lesson 3 is all about Utah’s Black History, and the Black Vote  

Make sure to read all of the teacher notes for each lesson and download the worksheets that go along with lesson 1 and 2. These lessons can be shortened or lengthened for different grade levels. Comment below, I would love to hear how you are using them in your classroom!

Click Here to Download the FREE Black History Month Powerpoints & Worksheets

***When you download, preferably download the slides as a Powerpoint and not Google Slides. Google Slides will work however you will have to adjust some of the formatting.


Meet the Authors|Creators:

Hi! I’m Terra Cooper. I am a former 6th-grade teacher. I have a passion for advocacy work. I believe Harry Potter should be required reading and have a deep addiction to Ben & Jerry’s.


Curtis Linton:

When we finally understand our authentic history, then we can authentically understand our present. Black History Month is about understanding our 400-year history of racial inequity in America so that we can more fully honor our past, present, and future diversity. My name is Curtis Linton and my passion is addressing educational and societal equity. With my work at Curious School and School Improvement Network, I documented the effective and equitable instructional practices and cultures of 2,000 schools across the US and provided professional development resources to over a million educators. My wife and I started the Domino Foundation after adopting our two children of color where we support transracial adoption families with educational and social activities centered around race and anti-racism. As white parents of black kids, our lives have become immensely more rich as we have embraced the fullness of race in America.


Hi! I’m Emily Furse and I have been a kindergarten teacher for 10 years. I am currently working as a behavior coach. I believe that Black History is American History. I am an advocate for children of color and love planning events that celebrate diversity, empowerment and inclusion! I am a co-director of Children’s Equity League. We believe that all children are entitled to see themselves reflected in society.

You can learn more at childrensequityleague.org



Click Here for a few of my other FAVORITE Black History Month Activities, **Freebies Included

Don’t Forget to check out this AWESOME and FREE Black History Month Art Project

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