Weekly Free Come Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Resources, Activities, Ideas, Printables, and Supports for Your Students, Toddlers, Family, and Individual Study!
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Week 27 COME FOLLOW ME: Doctrine and Covenants – TEACHING IDEAS & RESOURCES | D&C Sections 71 – 75
Questions to Ponder:
When I first began my individual study… these questions threw me off. Simply because many of these questions required so much depth and individual reflection in order to answer honestly. My first approach to Come Follow Me was to get in, get out, get it done, check it off. These questions simply didn’t allow me to do so. In fact, I felt a little sick when I would read a question like, “How does the spirit speak to you?” and I wouldn’t know the answer right away. After a time, and pondering on that specific question I realized IT’S OKAY. In fact, I think these questions were meant to be set aside, thought about, and pondered. When we try and come up with the quick easy, obvious, answer, we are depriving ourselves of an opportunity to reflect, ponder, pray, and RECEIVE REVELATION. Is this not the whole reason for Come Follow Me? Are we not trying to finetune and recognize how we, and how to receive personal revelation. So each week I will list out some of the questions issued in Come Follow Me. Maybe you pick to ponder about all of them, maybe you pick just one. Whatever you do, ponder on this for the ENTIRE week. Pray about it, discuss it with loved ones, then at the start of the new week, take the time to write down your impressions or thoughts, share them with your family, testify of powerful insights. Each Come Follow Me Lesson asks important and reflective questions.
As you study Doctrine and Covenants 71, what do you find that builds your faith in the Lord and His work?
- What impresses you about the instruction the Lord gave His servants in this situation?
In what sense does your bishop “keep the Lord’s storehouse” and manage the consecrations of ward members? (see verses 10, 12). How has a bishop helped you?
- Consider how you can make preaching the gospel an ongoing, “practicable” (verse 4)—or realistic—part of your life among your other responsibilities.
- What words and phrases do you find in Doctrine and Covenants 75:1–12 that help you understand how to preach the gospel effectively?
- What blessings does the Lord promise to faithful missionaries?
- Consider how these instructions and blessings apply to you as you share the gospel.
- What were Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon asked to do when others were criticizing the Church and its leaders?
- How do we “prepare the way” for people to receive God’s revelations? (Doctrine and Covenants 71:4).
- How have bishops blessed our family?
- What has our bishop asked us to do, and how can we sustain him? Perhaps your family could make a card thanking your bishop for his service.
- Would your family benefit from learning about the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible?
- What does this verse teach us about Jesus Christ and little children? Doctrine and Covenants 74:7.
- You can help your family understand how the Lord wants us to serve Him by talking about the difference between being “idle” and “labor[ing] with [our] might.”
- How can we serve the Lord with all our might?
- According to Doctrine and Covenants 75:3–5, 13, 16, what does He promise His faithful servants?
One of the common activities suggested for this week’s Come Follow Me study, was to create a Thank You card for the Bishop of your ward. See the following below:
How have bishops blessed our family?
- What has our bishop asked us to do, and how can we sustain him? Perhaps your family could make a card thanking your bishop for his service.
Help the children make cards to give to the bishop, thanking him for what he does to help with the Lord’s work.
I thought it would be a fun to put a spin on the classic thank you card! Instead of giving the card, or sliding it under the office door, I thought it would be TOO cute to deliver the note through a little air mail! Imagine a flock of paper airplanes flying towards the bishop, fun and surprise is sure to be had by all!
This activity is age-appropriate for your primary kiddos, all they way up to your young men and young women! I had so much fun creating this little printable, PLEASE share pictures or let me know how it goes, even a VIDEO would be too fun to see!
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“The thought of assuming this important responsibility [the office of bishop] was almost more than he could bear. … He … distrusted his ability, and deemed himself incapable of discharging the high and holy trust. In his perplexity he appealed to the Prophet:
“‘I cannot see a Bishop in myself, Brother Joseph; but if you say it’s the Lord’s will, I’ll try.’
“‘You need not take my word alone;’ answered the Prophet, kindly, ‘Go and ask Father for yourself.’
“Newel … determined to do as [the Prophet] advised. … His humble, heartfelt prayer was answered. In the silence of night and the solitude of his chamber, he heard a voice from heaven: ‘Thy strength is in me.’ The words were few and simple, but for him they had a world of meaning. His doubts were dispelled like dew before the dawn. He straightway sought the Prophet, told [him] he was satisfied, and was willing to accept the office to which he had been called” (Orson F. Whitney, “The Aaronic Priesthood,” The Contributor, Jan. 1885, 126).
Click Here to read the rest of the address
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Teaching Ideas for Toddlers & Young Children
Watch or Listen To:
With young children, I understand the STRUGGLE and the attention span you are dealing with. Below are some of my favorite videos or audio recordings|podcasts you can listen to and watch with your children. Many of these are PERFECT for when everyone is strapped in the car seat. My 5-year-old now requests many of these over the radio. This allows us to listen, review and discuss together, and listen again throughout the week. Many of the videos I share can be found on the Saint’s Radio Channel App. (Formerly Mormon Channel App, If you don’t already have this, DOWNLOAD NOW.)
I am absolutely LOVING the YouTube Channel, Latter Day Kids. Each week they put out a beautifully illustrated video meant for young children to be used in conjunction with the Come Follow Me Lessons. You can even head to their website to download discussion questions to go along with the video and a fun coloring page.
Drawn In: Free Sample of Subscription Videos
I’ve recently teamed up with David Bowman artist, author, and creator of the Drawn-In Video Subscription to bring a discount to all Living on Lemon Lane readers. This is one of the ONLY Paid Come Follow Me product that I have a subscription to, and it is worth every cent. Each week you get TWO engaging and fun videos (around 20 minutes long each!) as well as exclusive content and printables! Like his books, instead of just introducing the scripture story he explains a principle, then takes it a step further by exploring APPLICATION. Click here to watch his Free Videos, If you’re interested make sure to use the promo code LEMONLANE10 at checkout to receive 10% off of the yearly membership!
Check out last week’s FREE Sample Video! Head to davidbowmanart.com for more information!
- Click Here to Learn More, Use Code LEMONLANE10 for an exclusive discount off the yearly membership!Head to davidbowmanart.com to watch more FREE episodes and learn more about subscribing ($4.95 per month – gets you 2 episodes PER WEEK that go directly with Come Follow Me as well as supplemental PDF print outs)
- Activity Suggestion from the Friend
- Scripture Stories: Doctrine and Covenants
- For Young Readers: Scripture Stories
Activity Suggestions:
***Also Available as a DIGITAL coloring page through the Gospel for Kids App
Kindred Kids: Kindred Cards and Weekly FREE Download
As someone who LOVES all things: Good-Design, and Attention to Detail, I’m a complete fangirl of Kindred Kids. I don’t mention many paid options for Come Follow Me, but if you are teaching young children, you need to know about Kindred Cards! This is one of those brilliant ideas made to make your life and implementation of Come Follow Me with young children easier. Each week your little ones add a new card to their collection. Each card includes a beautiful illustration, a scripture (perfect for memorizing and rehearsing each day), and a challenge/activity suggestion to try that applies the principle! The cards are TOUGH and made with those tiny destructive hands in mind. I’m so thrilled to offer an exclusive discount code to Living on Lemon Lane readers!
Use promo code LEMONLANE20 for 20% off your purchase of Kindred Cards! CLICK HERE to Learn More!
As if that wasn’t enough, Kindred Kids ALSO creates a FREE download/activity every week for Come Follow Me.
True to Kindred Kid style, each activity is thoughtful, creative, and completely beautiful! In order to access the FREE download, you will need to “shop” for it. Meaning you will add the activity to your shopping cart, then check out with your email and address. No payment information is needed, just continue to the next step! Click on the link below to check out this week’s FREE Come Follow Me Download/Activity!
Click Here to “Shop” for this week’s Come Follow Me Freebie by Kindred Kids
Click Here to follow Kindred Kids on Instagram ***This is a great way to support & say THANK YOU for sharing and keeping the weekly activities FREE
The Red Crystal:
Since stumbling across Crystal’s website, she continues to AMAZE me at the FREE and creative content she makes WEEKLY. I can’t wrap my mind around the commitment, time, and talent she devotes each week. If this isn’t an example of sharing your talents to build up the Kingdom, I’m not sure what is…. Make sure to check out @the.red.crystal activities for the week! Here you will find fun interactive printables, games, and activities aligned with Come Follow Me for the Week!
Click Here to Check Out the Red Crystal
Come Follow Me Activities:
Kate of Play Beyond the Box started @comefollowmeactivities Each week she posts a FREE Weekly Lesson plan that breaks down Come Follow Me into simple, easy to digest and implement, DAILY LESSONS and activities. Her lessons and activities are created with primary-aged children in mind.
Click Here to check out this week’s Activity Schedule for Come Follow Me by @Comefollowmeactivities
Norman The Latter Day Saint
I found ANOTHER free, weekly resource that you are going to LOVE! Danette Smith and Brittany Smith, the creators behind @NormantheLatterdaySaint share the sweetest illustrated coloring pages to go along with Come Follow Me each week! Check out this week’s coloring page below, then check out their, “Norman the Latter Day Saint,” picture-book series! They create wonderful children’s book with LDS themes.
***There are lots of fun coloring pages to pick from, SCROLL DOWN to the bottom of the page to find the most recent Come Follow Me Coloring Page
CLICK HERE to Download this week’s Norman Book Series Coloring Page
Activity Suggestion from Church Magazines:
Secret Service for Bishop
For Doctrine and Covenants 71–75
Sing “Teach Me to Walk in the Light” (Children’s Songbook, 177).
Jesus taught that His Church should have bishops to lead and help the members (see Doctrine and Covenants 72:2).
Say thanks to your bishop or branch president by doing something kind. You could write him nice notes or bring him a treat. You could even do your plan without letting him know who did it!
- For Doctrine and Covenants 71–75: Help your little ones say, “I can work hard!” Teach your children a household chore they can help with, like sweeping or putting away their toys.
Activity Suggestions From Come Follow Me:
Bring items to class that represent the responsibilities of a bishop, such as a tithing slip, the scriptures, or a picture of a bishop giving counsel (see the picture at the end of this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Read Doctrine and Covenants 72:2, and explain that the Lord has called a bishop to help us. Use the items you brought to help the children understand some of the things a bishop does to serve the ward.
Take the children on a walk to the bishop’s office (you may want to coordinate with other teachers). Describe for them some situations when they might meet with the bishop in his office (such as a baptismal interview or tithing settlement). Tell the children how you have been blessed by the bishop’s service.
Help the children make cards to give to the bishop, thanking him for what he does to help with the Lord’s work.
Invite each child to take a turn acting out how they would do an act of service, such as cleaning a room in the church or washing dishes at home. Read Doctrine and Covenants 75:3, and ask the children to show how they would do it lazily when you say “neither be idle” and show how to work hard when you say “but labor with your might.” Why is it important that we do our best when serving the Lord?
Invite the children to practice in pairs how to share with others what they know about the Church. For example, they can share a simple testimony or share one of the Articles of Faith.
Watch or Listen To:
The church recently released, “Saints,” A New Narrative approach to church history. It. Is. WONDERFUL. This gives such depth and understanding to the early saints. Historians did a remarkable job marrying facts, conversations, and primary sources with the art of storytelling. Every conversation read, or detail noted, comes from a primary account. Saints is also intended to be read and comprehended at an 8th-grade reading level making it accessible to nearly every Latter-Day Saint. Please add this to your study this year!
- Doctrine and Covenants Sections to Saints Chapters
- The Following sections also go along with the reading:
…I am SO EXCITED to share the following videos with you! In a nutshell, they are a short introduction and overview of the sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. You get a brief, historically accurate backstory to the section, as well as a quick look at what it contains. In other words, this is the PERFECT support to add to your family’s study!
These videos are put together by Doctrine and Covenants Central, like Book of Mormon Central. Their vision is to “build enduring faith in Jesus Christ by making the Doctrine and Covenants accessible, comprehensible, and defensible to people everywhere.”
I remember first hearing about their vision during a Fair Mormon Conference a few years ago when this vision was still just a vision, tears filled my eyes and my heart swelled at the thought of how needed and necessary their vision and efforts are, especially today. I wish I could put into words how grateful I am to those that share their talents so freely. If you really want to dive in deep to each section, consider visiting their website and looking up the section you would like to study, or downloading their FREE Scripture Study App, (Scripture Plus)
Click Here to Visit Doctrine and Covenants Central
Click Here to Download the Scripture Plus App
Video hasn’t been posted yet, check out last weeks!
- I LOVE using the Institute and Seminary Manuals to aid my study! They answer questions, provide insight and background coupled with beautiful quotes from Prophets and Apostles.
- You HAVE to start reading or listening to SAINTS: (“Saints” was recently released by the church it is a narrative approach, (all primary-sourced insights) to Church History) It is intentionally written in a way the entire family can enjoy and benefit from!
- Another GREAT Resource is Revelations in Context: This is another book released by the church, its purpose is to give you the behind the scene details to the Section of the revelation given. What prompted the question, what was going on…etc.
- “The Doctrine and Covenants is a book of answers to prayers: many of the sacred revelations in this book came in response to questions. So it’s appropriate to begin studying the Doctrine and Covenants by considering the question that began the latter-day outpouring of revelation.” This book will help provide that background…
People of the Doctrine Covenants:
Activity Suggestions:
Saving Talents:
My other favorite find comes from the efforts of Tiffany over at Saving Talents. She puts together DAILY, FREE Devotionals for Come Follow Me. One of my favorite resources she creates are these Scripture of the Week Handwriting Practice Verses in both print and cursive. This makes my teacher heart swell! To download these, head to her site, click on the image then use the shortcuts link {control P} or right click on the image to print!
Click Here to visit this week’s Saving Talents Post for Come Follow Me
Individual Study & Extension
Watch or Listen To:
Really enjoying the new podcast “Follow Him,” by John Bytheway and Hank Smith, each week they bring in a new expert to discuss the sections covered in Come Follow Me. A dear friend David Perry actually helps produce this podcast and it is truly exceptional.
Comment below and share YOUR favorite resources for This week of Come Follow Me in the Doctrine and Covenants. Join the conversation on @livingonlemonlane on Instagram and stay updated on new blog posts! If you enjoyed this PLEASE SHARE! Another great way to share or support the efforts of Living on Lemon Lane is to simply pin your favorite images to Pinterest! Till next week.
GAIL says
I just found your website and I want to say “thank you” for all of your effort to make ours easier!
On Lemon Lane says
Gail, it’s comments like these that make all the time worth it! Thank you for taking the time to comment!