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Growth Mindset Activities / Grit Activity / Nitty Gritty Scribbler Challenge #5

GRIT and Growth Mindset are the hot topics in the classroom at the moment and for very good reason. However, most products, blog posts, and resources only discuss what it is, what it looks like, and the importance of it. This activity as well as the other GRIT challenges allow you to explicitly teach it. These activities are designed to make the students struggle, fail, and to experience the ... Read the Post

Total Pages: 28 File Size: 73 MB PREVIEW

Growth Mindset Activity / Teaching Grit Activity / Application / Reflection #4

GRIT and Growth Mindset are the hot topics in the classroom at the moment and for very good reason. However, most products, blog posts, and resources only discuss what it is, what it looks like, and the importance of it. This activity as well as the other GRIT challenges allow you to explicitly teach it. These activities are designed to make the students struggle, fail, and to experience the ... Read the Post

Total Pages: 12 File Size: 48 MB PREVIEW

GRIT and Growth Mindset Challenge / Reflection / Application / Activity 3

GRIT and Growth Mindset are the hot topics in the classroom at the moment and for very good reason. However, most products, blog posts, and resources only discuss what it is, what it looks like, and the importance of it. This activity as well as the other GRIT challenges allow you to explicitly teach it. These activities are designed to make the students struggle, fail, and to experience the ... Read the Post

Total Pages: 8 File Size: 25 MB PREVIEW